“CHICKEN’ STARTS ROW? – Who catches the most fish, the crew of the ‘LUSITANIA’ or the men aboard the ‘CHICKEN OF THE SEA’?
The question came up yesterday, following the announcement that the ‘Chicken of the Sea’ had knocked over The Record, by bringing in 154.4 tons of accepted fish in just 10 DAYS! But…, wait a minute! While very impressive and a “larger” Total catch at 154.4 tons…
The ‘Lusitania’ brought in her 110 tons…, in just 6 DAYS, so that makes HER (the ‘Lusitania’ – ed.) ~daily average~ of 15.71 tons…, The “Winner”; if compared to the 15.44 ton ~daily average~ for the ‘Chicken of the Sea’?”
*Editorial Note I: They may *still* be arguing about this, even if only in Heaven.
(*Source: San Diego UNION & Daily Bee newspaper – Friday, July 25, 1930 – Pg. 18)
*Editorial Note II: Meanwhile…, “…The tuna fishing industry as a whole, however, was able to draw some consolation from the arrival of the ‘SAN JOAO’ yesterday with a NEW CLAIM to the local fishing record! With *180 TONS* of fish in the hold (with only 3/4 of 1 ton not yellowtail tuna)’…, it would seem the ‘Lusitania vs Chicken of the Sea’ “controversary” may be Old News?
(*Source: San Diego EVENING TRIBUNE newspaper – Tuesday, August 26, 1930 – Pg. 31)