PA “Original Family” Kids – TO THE RESCUE! – in San Diego

TWO LADS RESCUE MOTHER AND BABY FROM DEATH BY DROWNING – Mrs. Bob Israel and Daughter Narrowly Escape Watery Grave – CHILD FALLS FROM PORCH INTO 10’ OF WATER – Mother Hears Screams of Youngter and Jumps to Almost Certain Death – UNABLE TO SWIM PARENT FLOUNDERS HELPLESSLY – John and Harry Madruga Hear Cries, Dash Out Wharf and SAVE PAIR! – That Mrs. Bob Israel and her little three-year-old daughter are not dead and lying cold and stiff in each other’s grasp on the black sand at the bottom of San Diego Bay, is all due to a brave and fearless rescue made about 8 o’clock last night by two brothers, JOHN and HARRY MADRUGA, when they pulled mother and daughter in a floundering and exhausted condition from the water.

Capt. and Mrs. Bob Israel, with their three-year-old daughter child, reside in a frame house on the waterfront facing California Street and built on pilings over the water. Mrs. Israel was alone at home early in the evening, so seeking company, she with her child called on her next door neighbor, Mrs. Wescott, who also lives in a house built on pilings over the bay. Both women immediately became interested in conversation and the child was allowed to run about the house and enjoy herself at will. Mrs. Wescott and Mrs. Israel were absorbed over some topic as only women can be, and the child was amusing herself on the back porch, which stands about 10’ or 12’ above the water, and which is surrounded only by a light railing about 3’ above the floor. Everything went quickly and smoothly until about 8 o’clock, but just at this time the still quiet of the evening was suddenly broken by a faint cry, followed by a loud splash.

Mrs. Israel, her thought turning to her child at once, jumped to her feet screaming, ‘Oh, my baby!’ and rushed to the porch. Looking down to the water she saw the child, by the aid of the moonlight, and unhesitatingly threw herself over the rail and into the water in an endeavor to save her unfortunate offspring, not for an instant stopping to think that she herself could not swim. All this time both she and Mrs. Wescott were screaming for help at the top of their voices. Mrs. Wescott did not jump into the water, but stood on the porch wringing her hands in agony, thinking that her friend and child would surely drown before her very eyes. This, however, was not to be the case.

Mrs. Wescott’s home is located just north and next to the NATIONAL FISH CO. Market, of which Mr. MANUEL F. MADRUGA SR. is Proprietor. The Proprietor’s two sons, JOHN and HARRY, who are both excellent swimmers, were luckily in the building at the time of the accident. They were just finishing up their work and preparing to go home for the night when they were startled to hear the screams of the two women. They immediately dropped everything and rushed out on California St. to determine what the trouble was. They managed to distinguish a white object struggling in the water. The two brothers dashed neck and neck out on the small wharf which leads to Mrs. Wescott’s house, and fearlessly leapt into the water. HARRY, the elder of the two (being 23 years of age), grabbed Mrs. Israel, while brother JOHN, (20 years old), grasped the child, and then the struggle for the rescue began. It was somewhat of a struggle, too. The mother, fearful for her child and almost frantic and unconscious, hung onto the little girl with a grasp of iron, and the two boys were compelled to almost tear the woman and her child apart. This they managed to do, and then swim for the shore, about 200’ distant. On reaching land the boys carried the rescued pair into Mrs. Israel’s home, where, by the aid of Mrs. Wescott, they were made fairly comfortable.

Both Mrs. Israel and her child are practically uninjured. It being almost high tide at the time, there was about 10’ of water under the porch, and when the two were rescued Mrs. Israel was floundering with her last bit of strength gone. The accident certainly had its fortunate aspect. Had it happened just 15 or 20 minutes later it is almost a certainty that both would have been drowned, for the Madruga’s were about to go home at the time, and there was no one else in sight who could have effected the rescue as they did.

The Israels are well-known, both being around town and on the waterfront. Mrs. Israel is the wife of Capt. Bob Israel, who several months ago rescued Capt. ‘Windy’ Hall from a lonely island off the coast of Mexico, where he had been left to starve by the famous Dora Bennis* party.”

(*Source: San Diego UNION & DAILY BEE newspaper – Thursday, September 19, 1907 – Pg. 8)

(Editorial Note: Regarding Capt. Hall ~ whereby: “Notorious 16-year-old trouble Ms. Dora Bennis*, who recently married George P. Vucotich (with him currently trying to divorce her), and who also notoriously accused Capt. “Windy” Hall of ‘kidnapping’ her and carrying her off to Baja, California aboard the schooner ‘Rover’ in 1906 ~ *Source II: Evening Tribune newspaper – December 28, 1907 – Pg. 8)

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