“… the PACKARD (Brothers ALPHONSE & PRINCE, born 1815 in Chilmark, MA to PA parents?) CO. have captured two more whales…, one believed to be the LARGEST devil fish (aka grey whale – ed.) ever heard of on this coast, and that one of the Captains estimated that the whale would yield about 100 barrels of oil.”
*Note: Twin brothers PRINCE WILLIAM & ALPHEUS PACKARD arrived on the shores of LA PLAYA (a bayside community on San Diego’s Point Loma) in 1857 with the plan to establish a shore-based whaling station. Born to a PORTUGUESE father & English mother…” (*EDITORIAL NOTE: Although the Packard brothers are credited with having the FIRST whaling station in San Diego, in 1858, it’s also true that [so far] *I* have been UNABLE TO VERIFY the published detail that they were of any PORTUGUESE ancestry [pending] – ed. = Jeff L. Madruga, – **Although some others, notably Professor & author Mr. Don May, disagrees with me; but [so far]…, offer no documentation as “proof“.)
(*Sources: San Diego UNION newspaper – January 2, 1869 – Whaling in SD – and;