With the introduction of LARGER (95′ to 117′, with one of 135′) and more POWERFUL (400 – 520 h.p. diesel engines) Tuna Fishing vessels, with REFRIGERATED HOLDS (carrying capacities of 150 tons or more), and larger facilities for higher quantities of LIVE BAIT, are all properties combining for fishermen now engaged in pole-fishing. This also results in the ability to fish in more distant (4,000 – 5,000 miles) offshore waters. These newer vessels represent an investment of some $1,500,000 (equivalent to $22,451,350 nowadays – ed.), and over the next two to three years show themselves to be both timely & highly successful (*Especially so considering that the 1928 albacore fishing season is a disaster, packing just 5,000 cases versus the usual 400,000 , a decline of -98.75%! – ed.). — ***This has also upset the previously established method of a great fleet of small craft, and may even mark the permanent passing of this fleet as a factor in the industry; as well as cut deeply into the revenue derived by Mexico through export duties. — *This new trend also (correctly) predicts that in time “the tuna fishery will ultimately be extended as far as Central America or Panama.” — *These newer (approx. 17 ships over the next few years) tuna fishing vessels “have found wide favor among PACKERS, practically all of whom are backing their fishermen in the new construction.” The VAN CAMP SEA FOOD CO. leads with 7 of the major craft.” and several other smaller vessels (70′ – 80′) are also modernizing, “practically doubling their possible field of usefulness”.